
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Meet the Artists and Giveaway: Katie and Jonathan from Infused Design

It has been TOO long since we gave something away.
Let's do this!

Next up for grabs is an 8x10" Photograph from Infused Design!
One lucky winner will receive the image of their choice.

When Katie asked me which picture I'd like to have sent to me, I honestly couldn't decide. 
I was like a kid in the candy store!
I asked her to surprise me and she sent this:

Sunset at Lake Rotorua, New Zealand- 8x10 Print
Buy it here

I can't wait to show you more of Katie & Jonathan's amazing images, 
but let's not forget my favorite part: the meet & greet :)

(Seriously, I'd forgotten how much I enjoy this 
until I got to reading the interview = the best part!)

Q: Tell us a little about yourself.
A: We are Infused Design’s founders, Jonathan & Katie Boris of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. After hitting it off in March of 2006 while attending the Art Institute of Pittsburgh we've been together ever since. Married on May 15, 2010 we live with our Great Dane- Etta & cats Kovu & Kiara.

Jonathan received an Associate of Science in Photography. He is the creative eye behind the camera, capturing amazing shots & stunning photographs from around the world. His travels include Australia, New Zealand, Africa & most recently Costa Rica & Nicaragua for our honeymoon.

Zebra Herd in Ngorongoro Crater- Tanzania, Africa- 8x10 Print
Buy it here
I (Katie) received a Bachelor of Science in Interior Design. My daily job is retail design but my involvement with Infused Design’s shop includes marketing & managing the business transactions. I love the endless possibilities of creativity, dabbling in photography & some graphic design work on the side.

Q: If you were stuck on a desert island with just 3 things, what would they be?
A: Jon- My wife, the best home theatre system in the world with an endless supply of movies & Marisa Miller. ;)
Katie- My husband, family photos & an MP3 player for my music/ singing- obsession. :)

Q: Your work is lovely. What inspires you?
A: Jon- Nature! Since I was a kid, I've loved nature in general, but more importantly animals. I've always kept exotic pets like red-eyed tree frogs, chameleons, blue-tongued skinks, etc... and being able to capture them, along with the great outdoors through how I see them, is just amazing. Then being able to pass my vision along to others is a great gift.
Katie- Architecture, cityscapes & materials. With my background in Interior Design, my eye is drawn to interesting architecture, textures & details. With a love for architectural history, I love finding landmarks & ornate details to capture.

Kaufmann's Clock- Pittsburgh, PA- 8x10 Print
Buy it here

Q: Tell me about your favorite photograph.
A: Katie- "Lake McKenzie in Fraser Island, Australia" from Jon's trip. With prints of this photo hanging everywhere, I like to pretend I'm sitting on the beach & someday in the near future Jon plans to take me there himself.
Jon- "Butterfly in Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania, Africa". Although rather uneventful in terms of color, the simplicity of the picture and the way the sunlight catches off the corner of the butterflies wing has always put a smile on my face.

Butterfly in Ngorongoro Crater- Tanzania, Africa- 8x10 Print
Buy it here
Q: Do you do any other type of crafting or art?
A: Jon has a creative eye for color (as you can see in his photos) & dabbles with Photoshop from time to time.
I (Katie) have been drawing since the age of 6 & am currently learning/ practicing watercolor painting. I love to learn new art forms & particularly admire the art of letterpress, which I hope to learn some day. (Me, too!)
Q: Why Etsy?
A: When planning our wedding, we came across the wonderful world of Etsy while shopping for invitations. Given our artistic backgrounds, we knew we wanted something slightly non-traditional & being able to work one-on-one with a designer was ideal. After this transaction, I was hooked & began adding favorites, buying gifts, the list goes on! We realized that this would be a great online venue for Infused Design. We tried creating our own website in the past but Etsy was exactly what we needed for traffic.
P.S. Cheer Up Cherup was our fabulous wedding invitation designer!

Q: What are your future plans for your shop?
A: In the near future we're hoping to add magnets, mouse pads & other items featuring InfusedDesign's photos. We've also discussed adding some of Katie's graphic design projects such as baby announcements, bridal party gifts, etc.

Red Veined Leaf- 8x10 Print
Buy it here
Q: What are some of your favorite Etsy shops?
A: Modern Typography (you are TOO cute!)
Cardamom Press (Me, too!)

Q: Would you like to offer my readers an exclusive coupon code?
A: Receive 10% off using code MODTYPBLOG

Great stuff! I seriously enjoyed that, and not just because you mentioned my shop Katie :) When you mentioned you have a Great Dane, I was surprised not to see photos of this amazing creature in your shop! And I can't wait to see what ya'll will come up with next.

Okay readers, are you ready to win a funtastic photo from this talented team? I thought so! Here goes...

How to Enter the Giveaway:

1. Follow this blog (Mandatory)
and leave a comment here saying you did.

and leave a separate comment here saying you did.

3. "Heart" an item or 7 from Katie & Jonathan's Shop
and leave a separate comment about it.

and leave a separate comment here saying you did.

Best of Luck!
Make sure to bookmark my giveaways page if you haven't already, 

Fine print:
Only 4 entries per household please
Giveaway ends January 30th at midnight PST
Winner will be chosen by
Entries will be validated
Winner will be announced here
Winner will have 3 days to contact me, 
after which a new winner will be chosen
Must be 18 years of age or older to enter
And be a resident of the US or Canada


  1. liked infused design on etsy
    username: thebannerplanner


  2. faved - Kangaroo- Australia- 8x10 Print
    so cute! username: thebannerplanner


  3. infused design fb fan

    ashley o.

  4. Too long indeed! I follow you...


  5. Hearted Infused Design


  6. My fav. from Katie and Jon's store is Carriage Ride- Granada, Nicaragua- 8x10 Print


  7. I like ID on FB!


  8. i follow you on GFC (same name)

    megnate at telus dot net

  9. I heart Infused Designs on etsy (id: megnate)

    megnate at telus dot net

  10. I heart this awesome elephant pic:
    And this awesome sleepy lion:
    (id: megnate)

    megnate at telus dot net

  11. i like infused design on facebook (same name)

    megnate at telus dot net

  12. I love (and hearted) Sunset at Lake Rotorua, New Zealand!

  13. 1. I follow you through GFC - username Kat Emralde

  14. 2. I "Heart" Infused Design on Etsy - username ReadingsBykat

  15. 3. I "Heart" an item from Katie & Jonathan's Shop - username ReadingsBykat

  16. 4. I "Like" Infused Design on Facebook - username Kat Emralde

  17. I am a follower. Thanks for this giveaway.

  18. I "hearted"Infused Design on etsy. My user name is wordygirl

  19. I favorites the clock print you featured. I think it is called the Kaufman clock. Such a classic.

  20. following this blog on GFC


  21. Following as Lillea

    contactlillea at gmail dot com

  22. Hearted the shop - Etsy name Lillea

    contactlillea at gmail dot com

  23. Hearted this

    Etsy name Lillea

    contactlillea at gmail dot com

  24. following this blog via gfc
    brendawitherspoon at hotmail dot com

  25. "Hearted" Infused Design on Etsy
    brendawitherspoon at hotmail dot com

  26. hearted La Merced Church- Granada, Nicaragua- 8x10 Print
    brendawitherspoon at hotmail dot com

  27. "Liked" Infused Design on Facebook
    Brenda Witherspoon-Bedard
    brendawitherspoon at hotmail dot com

  28. I am following the blog!
    Beautiful photography prints, I actually love the sheep one!


  29. I hearted one of their lovely photos! The sheep one is adorable!

  30. follow you on gfc as Robin Scott
    robinlscott4 at hotmail dot com

  31. "hearted" their shop on etsy as robinlscott
    robinlscott4 at hotmail dot com

  32. "hearted" the orchid photo as robinlscott
    robinlscott4 at hotmail dot com

  33. like them on fb as Robin Scott
    robinlscott4 at hotmail dot com

  34. Followed via GFC (simple.touches33)
    simple.touches33 at yahoo dot com

  35. Like on Facebook (Andreea Prus)
    simple.touches33 at yahoo dot com

  36. I favourited their etsy shop as well!

  37. Thank you for entering new & old friends! Winner to be announced shortly :)
