
Sunday, June 28, 2015

Honizukle Review and Giveaway

It's been WAY too long since I did an Etsy giveaway, and lucky you, it's time again!
My friend Kimberly over at Honizukle is sending some sweet letterpress goodness our way.

The timing couldn't be better for stationary, right?
Summer is the perfect time to catch up on letter writing. I just used a cute little card from Kimberly to send a "thinking of you" note to my cousin who is a missionary in Guatemala. Nothing says thoughtful like a crisp, clean, handmade, letterpressed card from Honizukle's collection. One lucky winner is taking home a set of these beauties!

Fun fact about me, I used to work in a Hallmark store! Recently I was in the grocery store and needed a card for something and picked one up and was SHOCKED at the prices! Goodness me, I will think twice before buying a commercially made card again. Why spend $7 on a Father's Day card with an ugly mallard on it (I'm seriously not joking about the price or the duck) when there are pretties like this out there?

I am also delighted to see a ton of new giftables from Honizukle, too! Snazzy calendars, cute little notebooks, personalized notecards, and this lovely print, which speaks for itself.

Long, long ago I did an interview with Kimberly, but it feels like ages so I thought
we'd give it another go! Come along with me as we get reacquainted. 

Q: What's new with you? 
A: I've had quite an interesting few weeks. I meant to have some time to work on a few projects I haven't had a chance to work on, specially a big one I'm very excited about and my computer crashed on me and left me quite disappointed. Good news is, I have a new computer and I'm ready to get started on all those projects.

I've been completely into pattern making lately and that has given way to new products like notebooks and wrapping paper! I hope to dive into other areas as well. I just can’t create fast enough to keep up with my head.

Q: I love the new notebooks, what gave you the idea?
A: My latest one specifically is a pattern I’m obsessed with, my OWLS! I sort of stumbled upon these sketches because I was doodling one night on a new tool I recently acquired, a Cintiq Hybrid. It’s an amazing tool and the best part is that I can doodle right onto it without being tethered to anything. So I was doodling and owls just kept coming out and I loved each one. Once the sketching was over I cleaned them up and meant to just make them into a cute greeting card and it snowballed into a notebook and now a new notepad and wrapping paper!

Q: Your color palette and patterns are just perfect for this time of year! What inspires your choice of colors and designs?
A: I think about color a lot. When I created many of these I think I'd been longing for spring. I find a lot of inspiration in my sons. Their clothes, their toys, things like that but I also like working with color unexpectedly even though I find myself gravitating to the same types of colors. Right now I'm really into NEONS!

Q: When we spoke years ago, our shops were relatively new. I see many other shops go through drastic changes, even giving up. What do you think has kept you going?
A: I don't really think about that stuff. I have an inherent need to create, it’s not something I struggle with or have to work on, it’s just there. It’s part of me and it drives what I do. I’m glad that I'm like that because I think that’s what keeps my business going creatively. What gets in the way are silly things like the business aspects, marketing and that kind of stuff. I know it’s necessary and all but it’s not where my heart goes. I like to design and illustrate and make. However, I know that in order for people to know I'm here I have to do that stuff, so I do my best with that, too. One of the great things about having a million things I'd like to do and make all the time is that I never run out of plans for my business and I hope it always stays that way. 

Q: If you could go back in time, what advice would you give yourself? What would you do differently, if anything?
A: One of the major things I don't like doing is the financial side of my business. I just don't care about that. I like seeing that there’s a profit of course, but all that tedious work behind it makes me dizzy. I did my best saving receipts and keeping spreadsheets for a few years and one day I had it and I looked for a service that synched all my accounts, cards, sales channels, all of it into one area. It shows reports and categorizes my spending and I can quickly see where I'm making money and how much I'm spending on supplies. If I could go back, I'd do that RIGHT AWAY! It’s so much more pleasant now come tax time to print out a few reports to send to my accountant than to have to run around printing receipts and spreadsheets and checking to make sure everything is right, because it never is. Hindsight being 20/20, I'd definitely spend the money on getting the financial side of business taken care of right from the beginning.

Q: Where do you see yourself in the future? Any new projects?
A: This question is so great right now because I have a big, secret project in the works. I'm really excited about it and I hope that it does well. I will definitely tell you more about it once it’s ready to make it’s debut.

In the future, I'd like to have a more diversified company. I love what I do but I keep adding to it. I struggle with making sure that each thing I add on makes sense because I like to do everything. I used to think I wanted a large company and I'm not sure about that anymore. I think I’d like my company to grow but I'm not sure how big anymore. I like the idea of it staying intimate. We'll see what happens and how it happens as it all unfolds. One thing I would like for my future is to be able to have my husband join me, that would be wonderful!

Q: Anything on your Etsy wish list you've just got to have, or made any recent handmade purchases?
A: I do have something on my Etsy wish list! These darling serving bowls from a shop called Marinski Handmades. I specifically like the mint serving bowl. I haven't had the chance to sit and really see what I’d like to order because since they're overseas, I want to make my shipping worthwhile. :)

Well now you've got me thinking about finances Kimberly! I can't wait to pick your brain about the service you use. There is always so much knowledge to glean from other Etsy sellers!

On to the goods! I know you are anxious to enter to win that amazing little set of notecards so
let's do this! Kimberly and I are keeping it simple. Here's what you need to do to enter to win:

Visit Honizukle and share your favorite item on the social media of your choice!

Be sure to tag @Honizukle on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or PinterestAND leave a message below with your email address and social media handleso we can contact you if you win!

Thanks for reading, and good luck!
Be sure to follow me by email for future giveaways & product reviews.
Visit the giveaway tab at the top of the page for more chances to win.
Giveaway winner will be chosen on Friday, July 10th at noon PST.
Must be 18 years of age and a US/Canada resident to win.
Winner will be chosen with and have 3 days to respond to this post or email.


  1. I think I blasted my like on Pinterest, Twitter and FB but I was able to tag it on twitter. mini2z is my username
    Kristin Tousignant - mini2z at yahoo dot com

  2. I might be in love with that owl wrapping paper for my daughter!
    Sarah Stender -,

  3. I shared the Thank You cards on facebook. My user name is Gretchen Michero Luper. I really want to win this.

  4. teacher planner

  5. I shared the cute baby cards i like on pinterest

    ayoung3360 (at) gmail (dot) com

  6. Just pinned
    These cards are so cute!
    mandd2016 (at) gmail (dot) com


    dlatany at gmail dot com

  8. liked on facebook under amy michelle red.

  9. i like

  10. Posted on my pinterest! (

    heyjudette on there
    mstellwag at hotmail dot com

  11. Posted here:

    1. You won! Please send your address to my email at

  12. All the items are very cute! Pinned and posted in Instagram
    Pinterest username: sabrina_joy314
    Instagram: @sassybrinaa
    sabrinasjay (at) gmail (com)

  13. Thanks everyone for checking out and sharing this great find! I will announce a winner shortly.
