
Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Black Lives Matter

As my children grow older and their needs change, I'm constantly reevaluating my entrepreneurial endeavors. I rarely find time to blog.

When COVID-19 happened, the children's needs multiplied. My husband's last day of work was March 13th. Day by day I've found it harder and harder to maintain an online presence. Sales have crashed. The price of materials have gone up considerably. Etsy is now charging advertising fees. 

Oh how I wish that was the last thing I had to complain about. Just when I thought things couldn't get much worse, the murder of George Floyd happened. It was heartbreaking to discuss it with my boys. My teenage daughter was up until all hours of the night for days, enraged. She returned from protests even more distraught.

Normally I wouldn't take my blog to such a deep, dark place but I simply cannot remain silent. I've been listening, praying, asking God for healing and forgiveness, learning, and in many ways trying to unlearn.

For starters, I'll be donating 100% from the sale of this dress to the National Institute for Criminal Justice Reform. Additionally, I'll donate 10% of all sales from instagram and my vintage Etsy shop now through Juneteenth (June 19th).

To purchase the dress please comment on my Instagram post or send a direct message.

 There's so much more I need to do, to make the most of the time God has given me, but I must start somewhere. Won't you join me? Thank you for your support and taking the time to read.

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